Register now: educators, employers, economic developers and community leaders can leverage this event to close the skills gap and fill talent pipelines.
CLEVELAND, OH, May 21, 2021. For immediate release.
TFS Results, the company behind the Education with Purpose Event Series, has opened registration at EWPAction.com for the Call to Action livestream experience on October 21, 2021. Delivered by education and workforce expert Mark C. Perna, this two-hour event will address the record talent shortage threatening America’s post-pandemic economic recovery.

The lack of workers is highlighted in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ report of a series high of 10.1 million job openings in June. To address this growing challenge, the Call to Action will empower educators, employers, economic developers and community leaders to:
- Connect the dots between education, workforce and economic development
- Bridge the skills gap between what employers need and what the workforce can actually deliver
- Celebrate all postsecondary pathways that lead to viable, living-wage careers
- Understand, motivate and empower the younger generations
Perna believes that only a major paradigm shift can align America’s education, workforce and economic development systems to fill crucial talent pipelines. “The Call to Action will unify organizations and communities to deliver the single most important competitive advantage for today’s young people and celebrate all postsecondary pathways,” he says. “At the Call to Action, we will ignite that vision for each educational and business leader, creating the vital buy-in for change to happen at the local and regional level.”
The Call to Action is a unique catalyst to bring communities together, shrink the skills gap and build viable initiatives for economic growth. Everyone with a voice in the community’s education and business landscape should leverage this event to meet the challenges and opportunities of a post-pandemic economy. Register today at EWPAction.com.
About Mark C. Perna
Mark C. Perna is a weekly contributor at Forbes.com and host of the weekday micro-podcast The Perna Syndicate. He wrote the award-winning bestseller, Answering Why: Unleashing Passion, Purpose, and Performance in Younger Generations, to help educators, employers and parents understand and motivate the millennial and Z generations. Learn more at MarkCPerna.com.
About TFS Results
TFS Results is a full-service strategic communications and consulting firm founded by speaker, author and CEO Mark C. Perna. Through its pioneering work in recruitment, retention and performance, TFS Results is helping transform education and workforce development across North America. Learn more at TFSresults.com.
About Education with Purpose
Education with Purpose is a national movement to shift the paradigm in education, workforce and economic development. In partnership with educational, business and community organizations across North America, Education with Purpose promotes the value of all postsecondary pathways to empower young people and help bridge the skills gap. Learn more at EWPAction.com.